Boundary-integral methods in a differential-geometric context
The reinterpretation of Maxwell's
equations in terms of differential forms which has occured these last years
has proved quite beneficial to
computational electromagnetism. We now
understand edge elements, for instance, as a natural brand of finite elements
for differential forms of
degree one (electric and magnetic field).
Well-established methods of "generalized finite differences" flavor,
such as those implemented in the
MAFIA codes, can now be understood as a natural
discretization of the differential-geometric version of Maxwell's equations,
thanks to the
Finite Integration Technique and to the view
of network constitutive laws as a discretized version of the Hodge operator.
Since the marriage between finite elements and
boundary-integral methods is also a natural thing to do in electromagnetism,
one feels the need to
a reinterpretation in geometric language of standard
useful notions such as "single layer" and "double layer" integral representations
of fields, aiming at a unified body of concepts.
This talk will take a few steps in this direction.
We classify various brands of single or double layers of charges or currents
in a comprehensive way (they appear as differential forms of order 0 to
2, straight or twisted, living on the surface) and sketch a potential theory
for such objects. We then look for generalizations of the "Dirichlet-to-Neumann
map", that connects the trace of a harmonic function with the values of
its normal derivative at the boundary. It appears that there is such
a map for each kind of differential form. They go by pairs, due to
a deep duality oif topological nature. Moreover, these pairs of operators
live together in a tightly intertwined structure. The exploration
of this structure sheds a new light on some standard things such as the
duality between magnetic charges and amperian currents, and suggests a
rational classification of "all possible integral methods". We may
also understand how degrees of freedom for the different kinds of charge-
and current-layers should be assigned, and how such discretizations fit
with those inside conductive regions.