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Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering
20 - 23 August 2000
Warnemünde, Germany

Invited Talk I5 : Leszek Demkowicz (The University of Texas at Austin)
Adaptive hp-FE Modeling for Maxwell's Equations with Applications to Scattering and Waveguides

    I will present the hp-adaptive Finite Element Method for modeling various forms of Maxwell's equations in both interior and exterior domains. The presentation will cover a number of both theoretical and implementational issues, we have been working on in the last three years, including:

  • De Rham diagram for hp spaces.
  • Interpolation error estimates for the hp discretizations, and the corresponding stability and convergence analysis.
  • 2Dhp90_EM, 3Dhp90_EM - two and three-dimensional hp-Adaptive Finite Element Packages for Electromagnetics implemented in Fortran 90. Examples of 2D and 3D simulations (antenna and scattering problems).
  • Infinite element method for Maxwell's equations in exterior domains.
  • Full wave analysis of nonhomogeneous waveguides. Existence and convergence results. Examples of simulations.
  • A two-grid iterative solver for time-harmonic Maxwell's equations.
  • Implementation of the Element Residual Method for 2D hp meshes.
Please visit my Web page: ( for more information and copies of our current

Acknowledgement: The work has been supported by the Air Force under Grant F49620-98-1-0255, and NSF through the NPACI project.


last updated 24.05.2000