Adaptive hp-FE Modeling for Maxwell's Equations
with Applications to Scattering and Waveguides
I will present the hp-adaptive
Finite Element Method for modeling various forms of Maxwell's equations
in both interior and exterior domains. The presentation will cover a number
of both theoretical and implementational issues, we have been working on
in the last three years, including:
De Rham diagram for hp spaces.
Interpolation error estimates for the hp discretizations,
and the corresponding stability and convergence analysis.
2Dhp90_EM, 3Dhp90_EM - two and three-dimensional
hp-Adaptive Finite Element Packages for Electromagnetics implemented in
Fortran 90. Examples of 2D and 3D simulations (antenna and scattering problems).
Infinite element method for Maxwell's equations in
exterior domains.
Full wave analysis of nonhomogeneous waveguides.
Existence and convergence results. Examples of simulations.
A two-grid iterative solver for time-harmonic Maxwell's
Implementation of the Element Residual Method for
2D hp meshes.
Please visit my Web page: (
for more information and copies of our current
Acknowledgement: The work has been supported by
the Air Force under Grant F49620-98-1-0255, and NSF through the NPACI project. |