A mathematical framework for the FE modelling of coupled continuous
medium problems
The mathematical framework proposed in this
paper is the result of several years of research devoted to conceive a
Finite Element (FE) programme that would be able to address coupled problems
efficiently. Experience in this domain shows that it is worthwhile to avoid
notions that are specific to a certain branch of Physics for the benefits
of more abstract mathematical notions, such as the ones presented in this
paper. Indeed, these unified notions are liable to fit a whole class of
particular notions arising from different branches of Physics. They are
also more closely related with the mathematical structure of the governing
differential equations. Finally, they are richer in well defined mathematical
properties, making it possible to implement them as richly endowed objects
within an Object-Oriented way of programming. Even if theoretical structures
similar to this one are already known [1], it is kept in mind throughout
this approach that the main objective is to build a FE programme. The proposed
framework is thus also of a practical engineering interest as it is ready
at once for implementation, the interpolation and discretisation issues
are considered. On the way to acheiving this unifying purpose, one has
been led to borrow a set of notions from different mathematical disciplines.
It is shown that any Conservation laws can be written in an intrinsic and
metric-free manner thanks to notions borrowed from Differential Geometry
(vector, covector, tensor, differential forms, exterior calculus and Lie
derivative). Particularly, this point is not obvious for equilibrium equations
in Elasticity or in Fluid Dynamics and requires to abandon the classical
stress tensor for the benefit of a different one with more specific tensorial
properties. A set of notions coming from Convex Analysis (Legendre transform,
Duality) is then presented as the perfect complement of Differential Geometry
to take Constitutive laws into consideration. Particularly, Convex Analysis
allows to consider discontinuous and injective constitutive laws. Finally,
Thermodynamics is also invoked as it remains the fundamental basis of any
coupled problem analysis. The familiarity between thermodynamic potentials
and FE functionals is reminded and extended to the case of coupled problems
with dissipative effects.
[1] E. Tonti. 'On the mathematical structure of
a large class of physical theories'. Rend. Acc. Lincei, 52:48-56, 1972.