Field Calculations of High Accuracy by BEM, Using Extrapolation
For ray tracing with high accuracy
and for the possible application of higher order ray tracing algorithms
[1] field calculations are needed with an accuracy of better than 10 to
the power of -10. Since field calculations using BEM (boundary element
method) can be easily performed for a given number of boundary elements,
we have explored the feasibility and the improvement of accuray by
extrapolation to arbitrary fine discretisation. As examples for electrostatic
fields we investigated a spherical condensor and specially shaped closed
cans, where the analytical fields are known. For magnetic fields we analysed
a common magnetic lens with non symmetric pole pieces. By doubling the
number of elements, BEM calculations usually improve by more than a factor
of 4 in accuracy. However, improvements by orders of magnitude become possible
by extrapolating a set of 3 calculations with increasing number of elements.
For the magnetic lens example we can demonstrate, how even artifacts, originating
from insufficient numerical analysis, can be suppressed by the extrapolation