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Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering
20 - 23 August 2000
Warnemünde, Germany

Plenary 6: Circuit Design, Wednesday, 23 August 2000, Morning Session
Peter Rentrop Universität Karlsruhe Numerical Integration and Software in Electric Circuit Simulation Invited Talk

Coffee Break
Georg Hebermehl Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastic Numerical Simulation of Lossy Microwave Transmission Lines including PML Modeling aspects
Jan Niehof Philips Research Laboratories Eindhoven Electromagnetic Simulation of Real-Life Circuits Modeling aspects
Mark Bludszuweit Technical University Hamburg-Harburg Error estimator and adaptive mesh refinement for FEM - simulation of optical waveguides Integrated optical circuits

Wim Bomhof University of Utrecht A parallelizable GMRES-like method for p-cyclic matrices Linear Algebra
Martin Fischer
Heinz Dirks
Christian-Albrechts-University at Kiel  Parallel Algorithms for Solving Linear Equations in VLSI Circuit Simulation Linear Algebra
Thomas Vaupel University of Wuppertal Convergence properties of linear equation solvers applied to iterative spectral domain integral equation methods Linear Algebra

last updated 15.06.2000