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Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering
20 - 23 August 2000
Warnemünde, Germany
Plenary 5: Computational Elektromagnetics, Tuesday, 22 August 2000, Afternoon Session
Leszek Demkowicz
The University of Texas at Austin
Adaptive hp-FE Modeling for Maxwell's Equations with Applications to Scattering and Waveguides
Invited Talk
Coffee Break
Alain Bossavit
Electricite de France
Boundary-integral methods in a differential-geometric contex
Luc Dupre
University of Gent
Hysteresis Models for Transient Simulation
Erkki Heikkola
University of Jyväskylä
Computational Method for the Detection of Surface Waves in Diffraction Gratings
Rolf Schuhmann
Darmstadt University of Technology
Calculation of Frequency Domain Parameters in Lossfree and Lossy Structures Using the FI-Technique and a Modal Approach
Irina Belinskaya-Abnizova
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
The determination of the coefficients of the equations to some
Oliver Sterz
Universität Heidelberg
A Scalar BEM for Eddy Current Problems with Impedance Boundary Conditions
last updated 15.06.2000