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Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering
August 20 - 23, 2000
Warnemünde, Germany
Poster: Computational Electromagnetics
Oliver Ernst
TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Instability and Regularization in the Charge Simulation Method
David Helstyn
VSB-Technical University of Ostrava
Application of numerical methods for optimalization of permanent magnets
Monique Kedde
Hollandse Signaalapparaten B.V.
Appraisal of asymptotic methods in electromagnetic field calculations
Dalibor Lukas
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Shape Optimization of Homogeneous Electromagnets
Genoveva Martinez
Universität Frankfurt/M
Field Calculations of High Accuracy by BEM, Using Extrapolation
Frank Neugebauer
Implementation of Lanczos Algorithm on APE-100 Supercomputers (SIMD) for the Calculation of Eigenmodes HF-Structures
Karsten Rothemund
Universität Rostock
Calculation of Electromagnetic Eigenmodes in Complex Structures using Coupled S-Parameter Calculation
Anastassios Skarlatos
Darmstadt University of Technology
Coupling of the Finite Integration Technique and the Uniform Theory of Diffraction
Poster : Circuit Design
Martin Bartels
University of Bremen
Investigation Of Time Step Control For The Mixed-Level Device/Circuit Simulation Of SiGe Bipolar Microwave Power Amplifiers
Michael Kurten
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft
Symmetrical Retarded Current Source Model for Transient Field Coupling on Interconnects
Rainer Schlundt
Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V
Iterative Solution of Systems of Linear Equations in Microwave Circuits Using a Block Quasi-Minimal Residual Algorithm
Poster : Coupled Problems
Micha Dehler
Paul Scherrer Institute
Modeling of Magnet Behavior for the SLS
Meinolf Klocke
University of Dortmund
The "Modified Trapezoidal Rule" (Theta-Method) for the Integration of DAEs Modelling an Electro-Mechanical Drive Including External Circuitry, Magnetic Field-Distribution in the Machine and Torsional Behaviour of the Load and its Effects on Accuracy
Friedrich H. Uhlmann
Technical University of Ilmenau
Analysis of coupled electromagnetical and thermal fields in the
instationary case
Roger van Keer
University of Gent
Numerical Methods for the Evaluation of Transients in the Conducting Ferromagnetic Core
last updated 09.06.2000